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A workspace is a collection of local projects. If a workspace is enabled it will be included in the local deployment process and the workspace folder will be mounted to the local cluster.

Default workspace

By default, when the gws project init is run, a workspace is created automatically, with the name default.

Create workspace

gws workspace create [flags]


--name workspace_name         Specify the name of the workspace.
--path path_to_workspace=. Optional.Specify the local path to a workspace.

Clone workspace

Prerequisites: You need to be workspace owner or have workspace-clone permissions.

gws workspace clone WORKSPACE_HANDLE

Disable workspace

Disables the local mounting of the workspace folder.

gws workspace disable [flags]


One of the above flags are mandatory.
--name workspace_name=default Specify the name of the workspace.
--path path_to_workspace Specify the local path to a workspace.

Enable workspace

Enables the local mounting of the workspace folder.

gws workspace enable [flags]
One of the above flags are mandatory.
--name workspace_name=default Specify the name of the workspace.
--path path_to_workspace Specify the local path to a workspace.

List workspaces

List workspaces where you have access.

gws workspace get

Delete workspace

Prerequisites: You need to be owner of the workspace or have workspace-delete permissions.

gws workspace delete [flags]
One of the above flags are mandatory.
--name workspace_name=default Specify the name of the workspace.
--path path_to_workspace Specify the local path to a workspace.